Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday was casual, but oh so unlucky. We farmed Codices, and in like 3 hours we got one codex -_-. However, I did get a THF subligar...(/toss)
Sunday, two static members couldn't get on so we scrapped for this week. I didn't mind though, my NIN needs a few more pieces of gear and I had some stuff to finish up IRL.
Hopefully, next week will be more eventful. =O
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pupleflash Brukdok
Before I start, I have a funny story. I've spent a lot on Amer lately. Also, in the past week, I think I've had like 3 or 4 tells saying "Amerie?" Well, apparantly that's the name of some elitist snob who sells HNM items (ffxiah ftw) who I am obviously not. Anyways, I first responded "No." but later didn't resopond at all. It's odd, because he stared at me in Qufim while he was waiting for dynamis while I was soloing. Also, I've never, EVER gotten these tells before. I have no idea anything about this person (lolirony at earlier statement) but I think they may be a server swap since I've never gotten these before? Whatever.
Back on topic, why is this blog titled Purpleflash Brukdok? Well, it's because I soloed him (as 44RDM/BLM)! This (according to wiki) makes me ten levels lower than the last reported solo by RDM. Of course, lolwiki, but I promptly updated it when I defeated him. Anyways, I've recoreded my strategy here. I'll put the warning now; this will be ALL text as I didn't take any good pics. >_>
Purpleflash (PB) spawns in Davoi near the PLD quest well. This means he is ~20 seconds away from the river! An interesting fact to know about orcs is that they detect by scent, which water erases. This allows you to pull an orc to the river and essentially lose hate! This is the basis of my ENTIRE strategy.
PB is a BLM type, which means that he (obviously) casts spells upon claiming and periodically after. This is his major weakness; when you tag him, he will pause, giving you enough time to run away! But on to that later.
To pull him, do the normal RDM stuff. Phalanx/BLINK(you'll see why I highlighted that later)/SS/P2/S2 etc. Aquaveil/Spikes aren't really needed, or protect really. Anyways, when you get a clear shot of PB, pull away! Immediately begin to run back towards the river. Stand so that you can see the top of the "cliff" and wait until you see him and his adds running towards you (or if he begins casting), and run! Eventually, you will notice that all of the orcs will STOP. Wait until they despawn, and tag PB with Bio II.
Now, onto the heart of soloing. This is done through:
- exploiting the ability to lose hate in water
- allowing PB to take damage from DoTs while unclaimed
- using fast cast to get out of range from his spells
- using Blink/Regen to prevent/negate fast casting DoTs
Keep in mind: from the first Bio II onward, IMMEDIATELY BEGIN RUNNING SLIGHTLY AFTER YOU REACH 55% SPELL COMPLETION! Because of Fast Cast, YOUR SPELL WILL STILL GO OFF WHILE AT THE SAME TIME GIVING YOU A SLIGHT DISTANCE ADVANTAGE! This allows you to escape his most dangerous spells, Thundaga/Stonega II/Waterga II. ALWAYS TRY TO KEEP UP BLINK! You CANNOT outrun Bio II/Poison II, and if these stick they will force you to use Regen. Poison II deals 4d/tick, and Bio II is 5d/tick. Make sure you do not get hit by both of these! They will drain your HP and in turn your MP. Keep up refresh and shell, but DO NOT worry about SS. Always keep your HP above 350 in case you get hit by a -ga II by accident.
Anyways, your order of priorities whould be this:
- DoTs - if they wear he will REGEN HP. This is a loong enough fight, you won't want this.
- HP - keep it above 350!
- Blink - make sure to not get hit by DoTs!
- Refresh - this is important, but can always be used later!
So, since I've (kind of) covered the basics, what do you do now?
Lets go back to that post-despawn Bio II. Once you cast this, use the "moving magic" trick and run deeper into the river! You should notice after ~10 seconds, HE WILL STOP AND DE-AGGRO! You will then want to tag him and stick Shock on him, and repeat. Now, follow him from a safe distance, and re-apply DoTs as they wear. This is basically the ENTIRE FIGHT minus a few nukes when you have MP. Make sure you keep him in between the bridge and the start of the area you pulled him from, or you will run out of water! A quick Poison/T1 nuke will make him move a few paces back if needed.
At around 75% (for me, at least) he will use manafont. This was actually, um, odd. He stood there with his weapon drawn and moved like an inch every 5 seconds until it wore, after which he de-aggroed me. It was weird >___>
After about 1hr20m for me, he reached ~5%. At this point, BIND HIM AND USE CHAINSPELL/WATER II! Did I mention Bind/Gravity stick? Well, they do. He used a harmless Poison II, and I finished him off in two unresisted nukes. I didn't need it, but try to have Convert ready for this! There is always the chance ALL of your nukes are resisted.
Well, that was fun! Now off to sleep. Z_z
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No pictures! Yay
First off, I got my Smithy's Mitts! That makes me a l33t 50+1 smither xD. While we're talking about Amer, I am currently enrolled in a Saturday 30ish static, and I managed to get Amer from 41-44 in three hours through the use of quad banding! (Anni + Anni + Emp + Anni) Now she's an awesone 44RDM/20WHM...; ; (I'll work on the SJ when the static ends since I don't really want to level it).
Now on to Falk. I actually can spell his name now. >_> Sjoidjgo. If anyone wonders, his name (I guess) is pronounced "Sjoi - d - jgo". "Sjo" isn't a bad shortening, but I MUCH prefer everyone calls me Falk still lol. It's pretty sad though; every time I go to a delivery box and I send something to Falk, it won't let me. Then I'm like "oh yeah that's right". ;_;
This Saturday was very fun for me, as I mentioned earlier! In the morning I had Amer static with my super fun LS group, and then we proceeded to beat the crap out of Fomor and Tauri in Aquaducts. I got to go Blu! I had forgetten how fun that job was. =3 Anyways, we got a THF sub off the first or second spawn (it took me and Kets like 3 days 4 hours each to get it -_-) which was the only one we really wanted. We killed Eba, too with 6 or 7. It was fun, although (I know, I'm mean) she only Grim Halo'd once. ; ; It one shotted Drimer on WAR though. xP
After we got a few more codices, we headed off to Sacarium to pop Swift Belt mobs. We had to wait a while for everyone to gather, so in the extra time me (BRD, Zer (PLD), and Stand (COR) beat up some Fomors. All I have to say is; Wow, those fights took a looooong time. Anyway, after we got everyone together we popped 5 NMs, resulting in one Swift Belt which Soul got. I think I died like 4 times, but poor Soul (on SMN) got killed like every time a mob used Grim Halo. ;_; Next week we'll be doing the same thing and trying to get Stand, Drim, Skie, and Mail some Swifts.
I have this Friday and maybe Thursday off, so I really need to farm. I need to buy RSE legs for Amer and then gear out PLD for Sunday static now. Then, I need to gear out NIN, which should be fun . . .
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So anyway, Sjobgjo or whatever is Falk's new name. -_- I sent an e-main to SE and they said "Look at the Q&A" to which my response was "Idid like 20 times and it doesn't help". Sigh. I'm not going to try again though, it's just a game and I don't feel like stressing out over it.
On that note I lost my Sandy win and my AF2 hat when they rolled me back, but it sure is better than not having like the 500k worth of gear they actually sold.
Double sigh...
Anyways, I'm at least back, even if I'll be using Amer for a while just because I have her name. =O
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Since my character got statched in August, I've been leveling this mule. I got him to 75WHM/50BRD/41BLU/43BLM/37NIN etc. in just a month! I also applied to a Dynamis linkshell, and got my AF Hat! And, my social, SpiritOfTheGorilla, helped me obtain my Dyrad Staff!
Since this is a relatively short update, enjoy pic of beautiful Bibiki while I go and camp the WHM Club mobs on Sjodiojiowhatanrmtnameiodijddioijdjgij!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Drowning in sadness, sorrow, and fear. can feel like you're falling.
Falling into distress, despair, and negativity.
But at the same time,
you can fall in love.
Sometimes...things can be taken away in the blink of an eye,
in a flash, in a single instance, in a heartbeat.
But warmth can still find you,
searching for you far and wide.
Even when all has disappeared,
there are still things to be found.
And sometimes, just sometimes,
you can find what you had missed.
Find the warmth that was once in your life.
And find the love that was once lost.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Quick Recap...
- WHM~
- WHM 70-74
- Soloed Blackbeard easy! (0/1) Died to Silverhook. =O (Waterga III + insta Hell Slash = owww)
- MP whoring!
- Black Halo trio'd (well, 2 boxed +1), followed by BH - HS - Light on BRD AF2 boss!
- BRD~
- BRD 29-50! (yay for mostly good parties...)
- 4/5AF! Missing AF3 (coat) onry!
- On hold waiting for Kets to get back on to static with his lolRNG.
- Dynamis~
- 4/4 city wins, but I'll probably miss Beu win (I assume they farm it and not do win most of the time, so it sucks).
- Cleric's Cap!
- It's fun! (and I don't die to much lulz)
- Smithing~
- 65k/70k GP on my Mitts!
- Misc~
- My account got hacked. -_- I'll be back in town on Friday to look for my registartion codes that I may or may not have. It would suck if I can't find them, because then I have to go through the long process of sending mail/etc etc. I feel horrible because I just got my 4/4 wins in dynamis and now I'm like "oh thanks but I can't go for a while". I may be over-reacting about that, but I still feel bad. ; ;
Monday, August 4, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008

Other than that, I may level BRD. I got it to 33 so it may start getting better now with Finale. But, only time will tell if it's fun. Although honestly, I may level it even if I don't like it. @_@ I need more double minuet and buffer jobs. Plus, the AF hat is adorable. xP
My vacation was also very nice, and once I weed out the bad photos (I took....uh....1500 photos? yeah) I'll post a few of those. AK is gorgeous!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
"lol" Post
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Also, keep in mind I've been over at Ket's place this week. That's why he has all my pictures. >____>; I swear I forget to take pictures anyway, so it works out fine.
So yeah WotG! The storyline is sooo good, especially the fight in La Vaule. Omg omg omg. If you haven't done it yet, do it! It's interesting and shows how freaking ridiculous Elvaan generals are lol.
Most of this will be pics, so yay pics!
First, we duoed the end of the Sandy Quests.

Then we started on the actual missions. This is WotG7, a relatively easy boss fight. As we you can see, we didn't have too much trouble.

So yeah. Apparently, WotG8 is out, but as of now no one knows what to fo lol. >_>
A few days before all of this, I did some random things. Trioed ZM6 (the antican one) and killed Kamy then duoed the vase to get Ket sky (woo!). Then I killed the Uggy pendant NM with my LS. Go (kind of) low manning things! It was a little sloppy (me and WHM forgot RR and died like 3 seconds between each other -_-) but we killed him both times. Then random Retribution NM.

So yeah. I farmed a little as well so I have like 800k, just dunno what to spend it on. I may level WHM depending on if I can do a few of the new YNMs.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Late May Update
I got NIN to 37. Of course, once it dinged that the scroll went up 100k, but just a matter of time before that happens.

And this happened. Me and Amer's orbs are like 2/4 on PCC now.

So yeah. That's it. I have like 700k now but nothing to really spend it on since I don't have time. -_- Although after this week I'll be happy. Classes end, and I have a few long term goals for the next few months...
- Smithing -> 60
- SCH -> 30 OR BLM/BLU -> 50 or 60
- Roc!
- Get sky for random friends
- Complete up to three paths in CoP
- Complete up to ToAU17
- Get past PSC Assaults
- Participate in NIN static 1-2 times a week
Those seem doable. =/
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Herro! I can't believe it's been like a month since I added a new post. I'll go ahead and show my few pictures but a lot of the update will be text. Text, text, text.
This was from like 2 weeks ago, I don't remember why I did it though. >_> But yeah. LolWHM.

I have such a small amount of photos, I actually had Ket send me this one.
This is me and a few friends killing Kasha NM. Easy.

Okay, now text bullets of informative points!
- Smithing ding 48! 30k/70k for mitts, but I'm so excited to have a decently leveled craft!
- I got WoTG (finally)! Sprinter Shoes are incredible. SCH is sweet. Can you say "next job I'm leveling near 75 but will forget about because I can't get 75?" Oh yeah, and got DNC too, but WHM/DNC is bleh.
- PLD -> 32 not including static today.
- I can farm now by 2-boxing accounts! Yayyyy angel skins again!
- I might be doing assaults soon (maybe)! We have 4 people now, just need to figure out time and maybe get 1-2 more.
Well, that's about sad. =(
Oh well, hopefully next time I'll have a SCH and manta filled update! Oh, and darksteel ingots too. -_-
PS: Zer, I change the title JUST FOR YOU. <_<
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I actually forgot what I did, so I had to look at my Fraps folder! ; ; Well, I did a lot of things with Amer recently, like this (HULK SMASH!)

Luckily, a group of random JPs came along and helped me out. Yay!

Next, someone in TBH gave me the ToD for this guy, and I tried him out, melee solo style!

Unfortunately, he started to beat me. Badly. At around 50% I started kiting him around the north-eastern area of the marsh, (K-9), if it matters. Then I whined to my LS about needing someone to kill him, as I could keep DoTs on him, but Auto-Refresh + Cure III = no way in hell I can kill him (Although maybe a full MP CS+Thunder would do it, but I didn't have enough HP for a full convert usually.)

Luckily, Zer came out and horribly murdered him with one spell. But NO DROP! -_- I could have sworn it was 100% ; ;.

In those pics, notice the timestamp difference between photo #1 and #3. Yeah, I kited him for ~40 mins. I feel very accomplished, and it was really fun, but I think that calling in friends is always easier. >_> (Also, if you want to try this out for some reason, a RDM41/lol10NIN can hypothetically kite this guy forever. Bind lasts until recast is up for a while, and when he starts resisting merge it with Gravity. It may have been smart for me to take him down to ~35% where he starts curing with Bind to save MP, and then CS+Thunder for the win, but I wasn't sure if it would kill him.)
I also did a few random things on Falk, but they were small.

I have one more thing that happened, but Imma wait until it gets a little higher to say it.
EDIT: Lol, look at the time of day that I posted for this post and my last one. Totally not on purpose. >_>
Friday, March 14, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Get away from me lucky charms!
I know have an lolDunes static on Sundays with my PLD. Let's look at the rag-tag group!

So, our setup is RDM/PUP(SCH now)/PLD/DRK(BST now)/COR/RNG
A little light on the DD, but whatever. We have a COR, so we're awesome.
Now, on to the title! Iunno why, but I love watching Dynamis! >_> Omg it's fun as a DD. I usually go over to Demon's place to watch him do it, as I just <3 it to death. So, I was playing his char a little while he finished cleaning up, and this happened right when he finished!

So, that makes him 3/3 on non-Northlands Saotome gear! ^^ Congrats! Oh yeah, and ANOTHER pair dropped while I was watching as well. Kehkehkehkeh.
Oh yeah, I forgot! Depending on when SE bills me, I may have a little surprise! lol
Friday, February 15, 2008
Laugh Out Loud.
I was reading the flame at QCDN, and I laughed SO much. I've had more fun there then...well...actually since yesterday, since, you know, I actually do stuff other than play FFXI. But the point of this post is to point out and counter-argue two things:
1) QCDN people: Wow, what a way to end a linkshell.
Me: Oh, sorry. I didn't know that broken linkshells did Optical Hat runs.

(Stole pick from Zer. I was busy and tired at the time of run, so I couldn't make it. +1 person there!)
2) QCDN people: You can't kick people out of your own social shell for a half decent reason!
Me: Ummmmmmm.....last time I saw a social shell, it usually has a leader and is made to have fun? If there was someone who I hated, I would kick his ass even if he didn't do anything. You people need to realize that Xean is the leader, he can do what he damn well pleases in his own linkshell!
Gawd, people there are such idiots. This is a video game, not a fucking court of law where people have a "right" to fair trial.
Oh, and PLD->10 on Falk. Yay~
EDIT: Oh, so sorry. I forgot this.
To the people who may say otherwise: I know what the hell I am talking about. When Demon was (basically) kicked out of the shell, I didn't bitch and complain, because I knew that it was useless. I tried to talk it out in the private forum, and even though I knew it was unfair, I know when it is stupid trying to change people's minds. I had (pretty much) clear cut evidence that it wasn't his fault, but mine. Keep in mind, this was much better evidence than this flame has. But the leaders already had made their decision, and I knew that nothing would overturn their choice. And Xean, for future reference, I didn't think your "Damn, I wanted to boot you myself" was justified at all. You're still a complete asshole.
But on that note, even though Xean is a complete tool, it doesn't mean he is a horrible person. You probably can't guess it, but I'm a horrible person IRL as well. I am completely cold to people who don't matter to me. After all, why should I care; it only matters how I feel in the end. I don't really like Xean, but I respect him. He is actually a great leader in my opinion. Even though he is not on much, he rules the LS with an iron fist. In any other situation, I believe that the LS would have broken up by now, but instead we are all rallied behind Xean and supported and continue to support his opinion (in the LS and on the forum, at least). As I was saying earlier about my personality, if someone was harassing my girlfriend and calling her names, he/she would disappear from my LS faster than cookies at a Weight Watcher's meeting. I don't see why Xean should be any different.
Back to the Demon point now, after he left I felt horrible. I might as well have been kicked out of the linkshell as well as I rarely logged on at all after that. However, eventually I started missing my friends. One day I decided that I would put it behind me and just continue playing. After all, this game is meant to be fun, I suppose.
So after all this rambling, I do have a point: stop bitching about how a social LS is run. My secondary point, I assume, would be that even if something traumatic happens to you in a LS, suck it up, it's the only way you will ever get through this game, let alone life.
A few more quick points, yay!
Josudes said:
Again another false justification for his attitude. This was about me and I couldn't even see it posted. I was removed from the TBH boards and the shell before I even talked to Xean. He says I started returning to my old ways which is false. I have never changed as a person after I had come back from a long break. I made a few mistakes and was involved with the wrong people and the wrong substances for a while and Xean and Zer were people I leaned on and talked to about the issue after I had quit hanging around those people and messing with the drugs. I haven't done drugs in over a year now and him bringing it up and using my life against me is pretty damn lame.
In response to Xean saying:
Remember how I said that I don't trust people too much? Well this member [Josudes] was someone who I actually believed at one point about calling Aimie and I one of his best friends. We talked with him on voice chat before, and he would share with us his life issues and such. He's share some of his more emotional moments, too, which is when I started really believing him. But then he started changing his attitude towards us, and was telling us that we were the ones who changed, but would occasionally interrogate Aimie about being "stuck-up" as was one of the exact words. If you're going to look down on me for having taken it to a personal level, then be free to do so. I know I don't do it often, so I don't feel any proud about it. I wanted at least him to feel guilty about it, that he would turn on people he once called his best friends who have done nothing against him. Call me biased or whatever, I don't care. I knew him at a time where it seemed like he wanted to help himself with his life, was seeing what was right and what was wrong, where he too believed in a higher being. It pleased me to see that he could do that for himself. I could only do so much living 3/4ths across the country from him. But then he started returning to his old habits and attitudes... That's all I'll say, it's not my privilege to speak everything about his life, but I was aware of what was going on in his life at one point. As any human being, it affected me personally that he changed so suddenly towards us. It really, really disappoints me that he was the one who went and made a topic on a flameboard about it.
Josudes, you are an idiot. Xean didn't say what it was you were hooked on (good boy! XD), and now everyone knows you're a druggie/alcoholic. You must be retarded or piss poor drunk.
Also, Lenneth, yes, posting in my PERSONAL BLOG is classy. Why the hell should I start playing around with people who are obviously babies.
Now, for the final lol-able insult:
Myrrh said:
Guys, give Xean a break. He just wants to run a shell that's made for 6 year olds where saying Hell gets you booted. God, don't be such dicks.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that six-year olds didn't argue about video games.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
- Got smithing to 28.
- 2k/10k GP for sheeting (don't ask why, losers).
- Amer and Falk have crappy gear.
- I plan to get rank four for Amer this weekend or later this week.
Bullets done! Now one quick sentence to SE + a short rant....
I'll say it again....
I may be greedy, but by God, I have played this game forever and have nothing more that someone who has played this game for 6 months has! At least you have never repeated my lovely Mandragora Belt...
Oh, wait.
Whatever. Stop bitching.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a visit from an admirer!" he exclaimed from afar, when he first saw the little prince coming.
For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.
"Good morning," said the little prince. "That is a queer hat you are wearing."
"It is a hat for saluted," the conceited man replied. "It is to raise in salute when people acclaim me. Unfortunately, nobody at all ever passes this way."
"Yes?" said the little prince, who did not understand what the conceited man was talking about.
"Clap your hands, one against the other," the conceited man now directed him.
The little prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute.
"This is more entertaining than the visit to the king," the little prince said to himself. And he began to clap his hands, one against the other. The conceited man again raised his hat in salute.
After five minutes of this exercise the little prince grew tired of the game's monotony.
"And what should one do to make the hat come down?" he asked.
But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never heard anything but praise.
"Do you really admire me very much?" he demanded of the little prince.
"What does that mean - 'admire'?"
"To admire means that you regard me as the handsomest, the best-dressed, the richest, and the most intelligent man on this planet."
"But you are the only man on this planet!"
"Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same."
"I admire you," said the little prince, shrugging his shoulders slightly, "but what is there in that to interest you so much?"
And the little prince went away.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year....
I will say one thing more though, Bill Gates hates me. Long story. -_-;