Monday, October 27, 2008

Pupleflash Brukdok

A.K.A The RDM AF1 mob.

Before I start, I have a funny story. I've spent a lot on Amer lately. Also, in the past week, I think I've had like 3 or 4 tells saying "Amerie?" Well, apparantly that's the name of some elitist snob who sells HNM items (ffxiah ftw) who I am obviously not. Anyways, I first responded "No." but later didn't resopond at all. It's odd, because he stared at me in Qufim while he was waiting for dynamis while I was soloing. Also, I've never, EVER gotten these tells before. I have no idea anything about this person (lolirony at earlier statement) but I think they may be a server swap since I've never gotten these before? Whatever.

Back on topic, why is this blog titled Purpleflash Brukdok? Well, it's because I soloed him (as 44RDM/BLM)! This (according to wiki) makes me ten levels lower than the last reported solo by RDM. Of course, lolwiki, but I promptly updated it when I defeated him. Anyways, I've recoreded my strategy here. I'll put the warning now; this will be ALL text as I didn't take any good pics. >_>

Purpleflash (PB) spawns in Davoi near the PLD quest well. This means he is ~20 seconds away from the river! An interesting fact to know about orcs is that they detect by scent, which water erases. This allows you to pull an orc to the river and essentially lose hate! This is the basis of my ENTIRE strategy.

PB is a BLM type, which means that he (obviously) casts spells upon claiming and periodically after. This is his major weakness; when you tag him, he will pause, giving you enough time to run away! But on to that later.

To pull him, do the normal RDM stuff. Phalanx/BLINK(you'll see why I highlighted that later)/SS/P2/S2 etc. Aquaveil/Spikes aren't really needed, or protect really. Anyways, when you get a clear shot of PB, pull away! Immediately begin to run back towards the river. Stand so that you can see the top of the "cliff" and wait until you see him and his adds running towards you (or if he begins casting), and run! Eventually, you will notice that all of the orcs will STOP. Wait until they despawn, and tag PB with Bio II.

Now, onto the heart of soloing. This is done through:
  • exploiting the ability to lose hate in water
  • allowing PB to take damage from DoTs while unclaimed
  • using fast cast to get out of range from his spells
  • using Blink/Regen to prevent/negate fast casting DoTs

Keep in mind: from the first Bio II onward, IMMEDIATELY BEGIN RUNNING SLIGHTLY AFTER YOU REACH 55% SPELL COMPLETION! Because of Fast Cast, YOUR SPELL WILL STILL GO OFF WHILE AT THE SAME TIME GIVING YOU A SLIGHT DISTANCE ADVANTAGE! This allows you to escape his most dangerous spells, Thundaga/Stonega II/Waterga II. ALWAYS TRY TO KEEP UP BLINK! You CANNOT outrun Bio II/Poison II, and if these stick they will force you to use Regen. Poison II deals 4d/tick, and Bio II is 5d/tick. Make sure you do not get hit by both of these! They will drain your HP and in turn your MP. Keep up refresh and shell, but DO NOT worry about SS. Always keep your HP above 350 in case you get hit by a -ga II by accident.

Anyways, your order of priorities whould be this:

  1. DoTs - if they wear he will REGEN HP. This is a loong enough fight, you won't want this.
  2. HP - keep it above 350!
  3. Blink - make sure to not get hit by DoTs!
  4. Refresh - this is important, but can always be used later!

So, since I've (kind of) covered the basics, what do you do now?

Lets go back to that post-despawn Bio II. Once you cast this, use the "moving magic" trick and run deeper into the river! You should notice after ~10 seconds, HE WILL STOP AND DE-AGGRO! You will then want to tag him and stick Shock on him, and repeat. Now, follow him from a safe distance, and re-apply DoTs as they wear. This is basically the ENTIRE FIGHT minus a few nukes when you have MP. Make sure you keep him in between the bridge and the start of the area you pulled him from, or you will run out of water! A quick Poison/T1 nuke will make him move a few paces back if needed.

At around 75% (for me, at least) he will use manafont. This was actually, um, odd. He stood there with his weapon drawn and moved like an inch every 5 seconds until it wore, after which he de-aggroed me. It was weird >___>

After about 1hr20m for me, he reached ~5%. At this point, BIND HIM AND USE CHAINSPELL/WATER II! Did I mention Bind/Gravity stick? Well, they do. He used a harmless Poison II, and I finished him off in two unresisted nukes. I didn't need it, but try to have Convert ready for this! There is always the chance ALL of your nukes are resisted.


Well, that was fun! Now off to sleep. Z_z

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No pictures! Yay

As the title says, I have no pictures lol. >_> I keep on forgetting to take them.

First off, I got my Smithy's Mitts! That makes me a l33t 50+1 smither xD. While we're talking about Amer, I am currently enrolled in a Saturday 30ish static, and I managed to get Amer from 41-44 in three hours through the use of quad banding! (Anni + Anni + Emp + Anni) Now she's an awesone 44RDM/20WHM...; ; (I'll work on the SJ when the static ends since I don't really want to level it).

Now on to Falk. I actually can spell his name now. >_> Sjoidjgo. If anyone wonders, his name (I guess) is pronounced "Sjoi - d - jgo". "Sjo" isn't a bad shortening, but I MUCH prefer everyone calls me Falk still lol. It's pretty sad though; every time I go to a delivery box and I send something to Falk, it won't let me. Then I'm like "oh yeah that's right". ;_;

This Saturday was very fun for me, as I mentioned earlier! In the morning I had Amer static with my super fun LS group, and then we proceeded to beat the crap out of Fomor and Tauri in Aquaducts. I got to go Blu! I had forgetten how fun that job was. =3 Anyways, we got a THF sub off the first or second spawn (it took me and Kets like 3 days 4 hours each to get it -_-) which was the only one we really wanted. We killed Eba, too with 6 or 7. It was fun, although (I know, I'm mean) she only Grim Halo'd once. ; ; It one shotted Drimer on WAR though. xP

After we got a few more codices, we headed off to Sacarium to pop Swift Belt mobs. We had to wait a while for everyone to gather, so in the extra time me (BRD, Zer (PLD), and Stand (COR) beat up some Fomors. All I have to say is; Wow, those fights took a looooong time. Anyway, after we got everyone together we popped 5 NMs, resulting in one Swift Belt which Soul got. I think I died like 4 times, but poor Soul (on SMN) got killed like every time a mob used Grim Halo. ;_; Next week we'll be doing the same thing and trying to get Stand, Drim, Skie, and Mail some Swifts.

I have this Friday and maybe Thursday off, so I really need to farm. I need to buy RSE legs for Amer and then gear out PLD for Sunday static now. Then, I need to gear out NIN, which should be fun . . .

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yeah. I actually was joking in that last post, but now it actually seems true.

So anyway, Sjobgjo or whatever is Falk's new name. -_- I sent an e-main to SE and they said "Look at the Q&A" to which my response was "Idid like 20 times and it doesn't help". Sigh. I'm not going to try again though, it's just a game and I don't feel like stressing out over it.

On that note I lost my Sandy win and my AF2 hat when they rolled me back, but it sure is better than not having like the 500k worth of gear they actually sold.

Double sigh...

Anyways, I'm at least back, even if I'll be using Amer for a while just because I have her name. =O