Saturday, April 9, 2011


PLD + RDM = 90min Turul. I have seen it happen.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

You need cures? Sorry, I'm too busy meleeing

Finally got my WHM to 90. It was at 80 and I've been using it more often so I decided to just finish leveling it in a pickup party. Anyway, I hate pickup parties because no one has atma (and half of them don't have cruor buffs...), so I decided to screw it an melee on WHM. I subbed RDM and just did VV RR DD, my MP was fine and I was generally doing 1500-2.5k hexas, aka more than the entire alliance. On my 85 WHM. Anyway, people were yelling at me because people in my pt kept on dying, except that it was the one WAR who decided he wanted to attack Megamaw and would then (literally, he either had AaO on or no HP cruor buff) get one shotted by stone5. I decided I was JP and didn't say anything back.

I hate pickup parties.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


A little backstory:
We're doing CC lanterns because shut up. Some people come and say they need one Cep-Kamuy, I'm in a bad mood and we were there first so I said no. They respond with a "that's too bad" in which case it clearly was on. So we pop one, they get the next one and all their melee die (it was, of all things, a RDM, a SAM, a PLD/NIN, and a WAR). The RDM kites it and is all "now I'm going to hold it." 15 minutes and 10% later, she dies and we claim it. I fail like a boss and get killed by seismic tail along with our NIN, and he goes passive and our war vokes, except he has KI. So we were going to let him die but he ran after me, so we just decided to kill him. Tank dies again from current (lol) so we just nuke it to death. Then, this happens. (After this fact, they popped one and killed it, took 30 minutes and at least 3 deaths from everyone, 10+ from WAR).

Monday, January 10, 2011

So anyway, I did all day Misereux on Saturday. We did mainly boss farming, it was sort of fun. Some highlights:


Seedspray proccing grellow. Not that exciting.


Ahmuluk is not a very fun fight. He's easy but he resists magic so it takes a while to kill it >_>.

~80% of their health.

In the end, I ended up getting a +2 set for my BLU...except I don't have the +1 legs yet >_> nothing was dropping them. Oh well.

Finished up my MDT set, sort of. I think Lamia mantle +1 is better on back, and I need to get +1 coral/ coral visor. That, and then twilight torque.

Got MM. It was a very easy fight. People forgot pop items so it ended up taking a little longer than we thought though.

Got RR as well. Kited the first one for like 10 mins, then decided to stop and just straight tank and proc red. Second one we just straight tanked and killed it in like 5 mins. Got RR as well.

To finish off this lightly worded post, got a pickup party on NIN, VV/RR/DarkDepths (+30% crit rate). I DC'd two hours in after I got one level, since no one was opening ruby chests and we were in tahrongi. That, and I was tanking at level 75/6, and everyone in the party failed at knowing anything about gearing their jobs. Sigh.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cactuses and Bosses, oh my! (also, Dynamis)

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah

Kutharei was laughably easy, the only mildly dangerous thing is the 1HP and hate reset move, but he only used it twice and never followed it with an -aga.

Dynamis was easy as well, we got the Dchap ~30 mins in and TH armlets ~70 mins, after that we wanted to stop (since that was all we needed) so we just did the NIN NM for Sonka, and ended up getting those anyway lol.

We have gotten 2 Ares body and one 25/35 set, one full Morrigan coat and 2 35s. lolsalvage etc, but 4 people can do any zone full farm + boss (except Bhaflau due to ramparts - can do 2 + boss).

Sedna and Itzapshjiaosufisaljasiudf were both dumb. WHM + any DD can duo Sedna, he was stupid easy with 4. I can solo Itz on BLU, with 4 it's a complete joke. I didn't take any pictures, but we also did the Uleguerand boss. It was an easy manaburn fight with BLM RDM BLU BRD, also had another BLM under 50%. Tarsal slam was dodged most of the time, and his TP moves really only did like ~300 damage.

The Grauberg boss was slightly harder, mainly because he double attacks 100% of the time and had instant cast gas. We did NIN RDM/NIN RDM/NIN BRD SAM, I got killed by painful whip for ~1200 at like 90% though lol. After I unweakened, he was at like 15% so I chainspelled and killed him (2 atmad bliz4 took off ~3-4% each). Funny story, there was an 18 person shout alliance killing Melo Melo so they could pop the boss after us - it was at 80% when we got there, it was at 87% when we left.

After this run, I got my 7th boss for my 3rd lunar, so now the game becomes broken. I can 2 shot any regular mob with Bliz4, 2 shot any number of mobs with Whisker etc. We procced grellow on all of them except sedna, because he spams TP moves and it'd suck to do AMs etc.

We also did Chickarney (sp, the cock) in altepa for seals, and he was harder than any of these bosses....We had a THF tank, but she got killed a few times because of 1shot hammer beak, and that NM is a biiitch. Under 25% he hit for ~700 damage in a -31/6% PDT set, critted for 1050 and he has 100% double attack. Luckily he can be kited pretty easily, and 7 shadows on BLU is insane for that fight.

That's all I think, and back to school for me so I won't be doing much. lol