Well, I am going to post my screenshots, because I know I'll forget if I don't. @_@

So I me and some LS mates did some avatars, we started with Leviathan, as you can see. I singlehandedly beat the crap out of it. That 75 RDM/NIN helped a little. >_>; Okay, so maybe I sucked, but that's not the point.
Next, we killed Ifrit.

He was easy, easy as pie. And pie is reaaalllly easy.
Then, we went to say hi to our friend Ramuh. However, he doesn't like us, so he fried us. I just wanted to be his friend! ; ;

However, after he de-leveled me, we decided to beat the crap out of him. Mean old man. My true strikes usually do double (was /NIN) that, but only one hit since I killed it.

We also did Garuda, but she sucks so I didn't take any pics.
Soooo after that was done, the LS had an organized naked-subligar level 1 run to Jeuno. I didn't take any in-action pics, but I have the "gathering".

But yeah, I came in 4th by default since everyone else had died. Lulz. So I got some gils (thanks Ichi!). Also, I wardrobed in Blessed legs for the subligar, because SE has a twisted mind. You too Zerayla. <_<;
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