Well, I've been playing on my PS2 lately, not only because my computer is constantly being used, but because Roc sucks (1/2 on claim (me flash ftw!), 0/1 on drop). So, I had my bro take all these pics. My last few days have been;
1) Do some menial things in the morning, watch Charmed.
2) Go and kill Roc at an incredibly late time EST. Go go lack of sleep, I'm waking up at like 9-10 where as I usually awaken at like 7.
I'm not even going to start about the 16 hours I sat in Sar(tab) spamming wide scan. -_-;
Now, I get back to the original point, why I'm using PS2. I can watch TV while I camp Roc! Yaaaaayyyy. I already have my schedule down;
11; Futerama
11:30; Family Guy
12; Something random
12:30; Blood+
1; FMA
1:30; Inuyasha
2:30; Inuyash
3: Futerama again (I hate this slot, the same episode.)

Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!
Did PCC though, BLU owns at it. One :Ni is all that dropped out of 6 orbs. I'm starting to think 20s are better. -_-
Toodles~ Not you though Roc, I hate you.
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