Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wardrobe <3

Okay, a good way to start this post off is saying that Hume M NINs are ugly as sin. More about that later!

CoP! I hate CoP!

We were supposed to do 3-5 yesterday, so I logged on around 7AM to finish where I had stopped (I need to talk to Cid to end 3-3), and got to 3-5 around 8AM. I logged off for a while, got back on around 10AM to get a chip. Logged on myself and Demon and headed out to get me my Blue Bracelets. I got them (it was easy), but then I found out one important fact.

ALL characters entering the room need the bracelets!

So, of course I didn't have it flagged on Demon and I killed the monsters by myself sooo slowly with Falk, I decided to go to another tower.

Fast forward to 12:15, I finally got my chip! (Along with like 50 Heart Snatcher points! ; ;) So I teled out and headed to get my pass so we could start.

That sound all fine and dandy right? Well, it wasn't.

I will take a short break from CoP to tell you about my new found fun-muffin, Demon's alt char! Unfortunately I can only use it with his permission, but oh wells. See the top of the post for why I used wardrobe....

1/1 on both, yay I guess.

Now that I have introduced the concept of a third char, I'll go into more detail about CoP! Unfortunately, I pulled a WHM AF hands coffer! For those who don't know who that is, it's when something happens and I'm an idiot and don't get the drop because of some stupid reason! I was so incredibly idiotic that I teled before the chip lotted and lost it. So, basically, it's 30 minutes after we were supposed to start and I'm passless. Boo.

Cue me begging Demon!

I eventually get access to Ferque who has BLU at 61 and sea, so I use him instead, and I'll just get 3-5 done on Falk later.


So what is this all leading up to you may ask? Well, usually I would say nothing, but this time it is something. It would be my lack of playing time. As you can see, in the past two weeks, I only have two pictures; both of which involve me helping my brother get something. I don't know, the amount of time needed to get anything in this game is so much, sometimes it just isn't worth it. The few things I might actually want to do (Dynamis!) take too long and I don't have enough time for them.

This all came to me today when someone said I should have gotten the pass earlier. I don't play during the week at all (except *sometimes* Friday) and even then I usually get on for 2 or three hours on weekends and thats all. Considering the fact I already said I would help Demon with AQ on Friday, and I didn't even know we were doing it until last Saturday, I had barely any time to get the pass. Most of the time I play now I just sit in my MH and do nothing, hoping someone will ask me to help with something. I seriously haven't leveled ANYTHING in like a month...

Oh well, whine whine whine.

Until later (or not? I dunno. Why does it matter? STOP STALKING ME! ; ;)~

Falkster =P

EDIT: Oh yeah! For more about that last rant of sorts, go to FFXIAH and look at my buying history. Notice a (sad) pattern?

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