Saturday, December 22, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007


Yes, I am leveling BST. Keep in mind I have always sucked at BST. From 15-16 I died around 10 times, and from 16-17 I died at least 20 times. But, I got tired of sitting in my MH all day doing nothing, so I grabbed my gear out and headed to Valkurm. Except, there was one thing wrong...
I dinged 18, and I didn't die.

So, yay me! At 18, did a combo of Jugner (at the lake near the NW Landing zone, mobs popped too slow so I had to leave) and Carpenter's Landing (Sandy zone). I died zero times AGAIN and dinged 20!

Keep in mind I am having awesome fun while doing this, as I don't have to mindlessly seek and hope a party wants the job I'm leveling. Yay again! However, once I leveled, my curse came back.

I died! And de-leveled, which means no Chocobo! ; ;

So, I OP'd to Bubu and killed some crabs for my level + a 1k buffer.

I warped (Blood warped, actually) back to Jeuno, and grabbed a choco to my next camp, Mer(tab) Mountains. However, on my way there this happened:

So, I rounded up me, Demon, and Ferque, enough to probably take him down with a two-hour pull strategy (zone him after 2-hour so he can't use it when he gets back to full and rage timer restarts). But, as always there was a problem.


You may be saying to yourself "what does that have to do with anything?" The answer would be: a lot! With WoTG, you can warp directly to where Roc is through the sar(tab) Maw. However, if you are gimp (like me!) and don't have the expansion, you have to use the dreaded


Because we only had three people, we couldn't open them ourselves. There was a party at the first gate, but there was one more thing...


So, I didn't get Roc because everyone I knew was busy. At least I ran into Skewer Sam (he gave me some cock skin ; ;).

(In that last paragraph there is a bolded sentence that is not supposed to be. Text sucks.)


Bst rules. Also, somewhere in this hub-
ub I killed a dragon. Yay.


Thursday, December 13, 2007


RL rant before I post an actual FF update this weekend.

Okay, it's December 13th and its...









Seriously, wtf.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wardrobe <3

Okay, a good way to start this post off is saying that Hume M NINs are ugly as sin. More about that later!

CoP! I hate CoP!

We were supposed to do 3-5 yesterday, so I logged on around 7AM to finish where I had stopped (I need to talk to Cid to end 3-3), and got to 3-5 around 8AM. I logged off for a while, got back on around 10AM to get a chip. Logged on myself and Demon and headed out to get me my Blue Bracelets. I got them (it was easy), but then I found out one important fact.

ALL characters entering the room need the bracelets!

So, of course I didn't have it flagged on Demon and I killed the monsters by myself sooo slowly with Falk, I decided to go to another tower.

Fast forward to 12:15, I finally got my chip! (Along with like 50 Heart Snatcher points! ; ;) So I teled out and headed to get my pass so we could start.

That sound all fine and dandy right? Well, it wasn't.

I will take a short break from CoP to tell you about my new found fun-muffin, Demon's alt char! Unfortunately I can only use it with his permission, but oh wells. See the top of the post for why I used wardrobe....

1/1 on both, yay I guess.

Now that I have introduced the concept of a third char, I'll go into more detail about CoP! Unfortunately, I pulled a WHM AF hands coffer! For those who don't know who that is, it's when something happens and I'm an idiot and don't get the drop because of some stupid reason! I was so incredibly idiotic that I teled before the chip lotted and lost it. So, basically, it's 30 minutes after we were supposed to start and I'm passless. Boo.

Cue me begging Demon!

I eventually get access to Ferque who has BLU at 61 and sea, so I use him instead, and I'll just get 3-5 done on Falk later.


So what is this all leading up to you may ask? Well, usually I would say nothing, but this time it is something. It would be my lack of playing time. As you can see, in the past two weeks, I only have two pictures; both of which involve me helping my brother get something. I don't know, the amount of time needed to get anything in this game is so much, sometimes it just isn't worth it. The few things I might actually want to do (Dynamis!) take too long and I don't have enough time for them.

This all came to me today when someone said I should have gotten the pass earlier. I don't play during the week at all (except *sometimes* Friday) and even then I usually get on for 2 or three hours on weekends and thats all. Considering the fact I already said I would help Demon with AQ on Friday, and I didn't even know we were doing it until last Saturday, I had barely any time to get the pass. Most of the time I play now I just sit in my MH and do nothing, hoping someone will ask me to help with something. I seriously haven't leveled ANYTHING in like a month...

Oh well, whine whine whine.

Until later (or not? I dunno. Why does it matter? STOP STALKING ME! ; ;)~

Falkster =P

EDIT: Oh yeah! For more about that last rant of sorts, go to FFXIAH and look at my buying history. Notice a (sad) pattern?