Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sometimes... can feel like you're drowning.
Drowning in sadness, sorrow, and fear. can feel like you're falling.
Falling into distress, despair, and negativity.

But at the same time,
you can fall in love.

Sometimes...things can be taken away in the blink of an eye,
in a flash, in a single instance, in a heartbeat.

But warmth can still find you,
searching for you far and wide.

Even when all has disappeared,
there are still things to be found.

And sometimes, just sometimes,
you can find what you had missed.

Find the warmth that was once in your life.
And find the love that was once lost.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quick Recap...

I have the time, so I'm going to recap what has happened since two blogs ago.

  • WHM~
    • WHM 70-74
    • Soloed Blackbeard easy! (0/1) Died to Silverhook. =O (Waterga III + insta Hell Slash = owww)
    • MP whoring!
    • Black Halo trio'd (well, 2 boxed +1), followed by BH - HS - Light on BRD AF2 boss!
  • BRD~
    • BRD 29-50! (yay for mostly good parties...)
    • 4/5AF! Missing AF3 (coat) onry!
    • On hold waiting for Kets to get back on to static with his lolRNG.
  • Dynamis~
    • 4/4 city wins, but I'll probably miss Beu win (I assume they farm it and not do win most of the time, so it sucks).
    • Cleric's Cap!
    • It's fun! (and I don't die to much lulz)
  • Smithing~
    • 65k/70k GP on my Mitts!
  • Misc~
    • My account got hacked. -_- I'll be back in town on Friday to look for my registartion codes that I may or may not have. It would suck if I can't find them, because then I have to go through the long process of sending mail/etc etc. I feel horrible because I just got my 4/4 wins in dynamis and now I'm like "oh thanks but I can't go for a while". I may be over-reacting about that, but I still feel bad. ; ;
Ewww, can't layer bullets. It looks much better here. ; ;

Monday, August 4, 2008

No Subject Inputted!

I have been very busy. @_@ That is all.