Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quick Recap...

I have the time, so I'm going to recap what has happened since two blogs ago.

  • WHM~
    • WHM 70-74
    • Soloed Blackbeard easy! (0/1) Died to Silverhook. =O (Waterga III + insta Hell Slash = owww)
    • MP whoring!
    • Black Halo trio'd (well, 2 boxed +1), followed by BH - HS - Light on BRD AF2 boss!
  • BRD~
    • BRD 29-50! (yay for mostly good parties...)
    • 4/5AF! Missing AF3 (coat) onry!
    • On hold waiting for Kets to get back on to static with his lolRNG.
  • Dynamis~
    • 4/4 city wins, but I'll probably miss Beu win (I assume they farm it and not do win most of the time, so it sucks).
    • Cleric's Cap!
    • It's fun! (and I don't die to much lulz)
  • Smithing~
    • 65k/70k GP on my Mitts!
  • Misc~
    • My account got hacked. -_- I'll be back in town on Friday to look for my registartion codes that I may or may not have. It would suck if I can't find them, because then I have to go through the long process of sending mail/etc etc. I feel horrible because I just got my 4/4 wins in dynamis and now I'm like "oh thanks but I can't go for a while". I may be over-reacting about that, but I still feel bad. ; ;
Ewww, can't layer bullets. It looks much better here. ; ;

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