Friday, July 27, 2007


I haven't done much in FFXI. Levelled NIN, failed at getting drop from Orctrap like 10 times so NIN is stuck at 28, the usuall. Poisonhand is the new RMT hot-spot, so I'm not even trying to get his drop. Bah bah bah bah. I have a few people with jobs around 37, so I'm going to start a static. I need to talk to a few people and then I'll have most of it straightened out. Demon get his O. Kote so I'm probably going to end up going 32-36 with his SAM, so at least I'll have someone able in my party. Yay?

I also tried 2-3 for someone in my LS, so I may post pics later, I'm on another comp then the one I have fraps on.

Oh wells, that's my quick update. I'll been so ticked about the loldrama, I think it's getting to me. >_>; Like 85% of people who post there are 2 year olds. Gawd I hate QCDN.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Um yah. I hate Jyakotsu. He takes one thing and then goes "omg flame wit bad grammarz".

Fucking take your time.

Well, if I were to respnd to thins post (lolqcdn), I would say this at the moment (now as 58 pages? I think).

By the way, I only curse if I am rediculously pissed. So take a guess, asshat.

EDIT: Copied and pasted to flames. I'm dead meat. =X


First off, no I am not "defending" anyone, this is my opinion.

I wasn't going to say anything, but now you are fucking annoying me Myrrh. You are talking about how "everyone hate me in LS", "nobody trusts me in LS", when I think literally less than 7 people were on that night. It is crude and, to tell the truch, assbaggish that you would do that. So, *maybe* the LS had planned fucking you over all out. We *obviously* hate you so much that after we got the ToD we would just kick you. Reaallllyyyyy.

The fact that, just because Soul, someone with EQUAL job level as you, lotted and beat you, is pissing you off that much, is such a big letdown. The fact that you think that you can lot first because you brought a few friends from your other LS, doesn't mean we are going to lie down and say "okay". *(Although I am speaking in the voice of Zer I guess, as you and Soul had spoken in tells as you said earlier, I would not have known of the agreement.)You know, you are much alike to Zer and Xean, once you find a point, you can't admit that you are wrong, or the world will end.

Where do I believe the blame falls? Well, in this order.

Other members

Soul submitted to peer pressure. Which means, the entire thing could have been prevented by him not lotting. This does not mean I'll hate him forever, or even at all. I'm one to forgive and forget. And to answer someones suggestion for him earlier "drop the robe and that will be a little better". Um, no? If I bought 10m gil and a full set of HQ staves, and someone said "gilbuying sucks", rather two things would happen. Rather A) I would say "oh that's nice" and move on (isn't that what 95% of people who are flamed do anyway?). Or "wow, you're right, it sucks." Either way, I wouldn't drop the staves and waste my time and money. No, I do not have a set of HQ staves, thank you for asking.

Myrrh. What can I say about you. Keep in mind I put you above Xean and Zer, because really, you have just made this thing an entire fuck bag fest. Comparing this to chary is like comparing a muffin to a toaster. They are barely alike. Cgary, you have to wait a possible 16 HOURS to have him spawn, and then hope to get claim. You still have to hope to get claim, but Shikis window is not even 16 MINUTES. So it takes, what, maybe an hour for two or three days to get? You were the one who has made this a 58 page flame fest (well, Jyak too), off of somethng that could have just been said by saying: "Hey guys, help me tomorrow." If you think that a virtual ITEM is worth all of this yelling, you need to get your priorities checked.

Xean, burying your coffing. Just stop please. It was, however, VERY crude of you to say that Myrrh isn't trustworthy, after the things he has done for the LS. I think most of the times you weren't on, but that's what the thank you thread is for.

Zer, I do believe you didn't know of the agreement, since you weren't there (I think?), so I think agreeing with Xean was the right thing to do. It was nice to stand up for the LS, but really. Enough is enough. Let it die. :x Myrrh, when you have a fiance, you will understand this.

Other LS members, the <7 that were on then (can't find the SS in the thread. =/) show that maybe 10 people in the shell hate you, which isn't bad saying that I'm sure a lot of people don't like you because of your mouth. But there are still other people that don't hate you, hell, we even try to help. Stop being such a baby and stop saying all the LS hates you.

A few more things!

Why was I there yesterday? I was there to help. I said I would help you, Soul, and Ali get their YYR, and I keep my promises and honor my friends. I was not expecting an invite, but I'm a WHM, I don't need one. Funny story, I WSd and saw Shiki up, by the time I got to him it was dead. Lol. I actually plan to be there tomorrow (today I guess), to invite me or not is agin your choice.

Am I going to stay in the LS? Yes, because it is a great one. Just because three people in our linkshell are brash and five of them are fucktards doesn't mean everyone sucks. As a matter of fact, I will keep this shell with pride. I am not a coward that can be sucked in by Myrrh and Jyak's rant.

Also, stop saying "omg I love my linkshell they are so trustworthy." It's fucking annoying. Unless that post on our boards was a part of your plan to get Soul to lot and kill the LS to hell, it shows how much you trusted us then. And look at it now. Um yeah. Also, let's say 20 people were at Shiki. 10 weren't in Fury, and I bet 5 from Fury wouldn't have showed up if there wasn't a 58 page flame about it. So stop fucking being a kiss ass.

Let me end it with this story, that may or may not have something to do with anything. I have a "friend" that was invited to Zer and Xean's wedding. He, however, couldn't make it. Flash to 5 months later. He makes a few mistakes, and he leaves the shell. I don't think that they have talked since. The point of this is don't alienate people you have liked before, just because a few people fucked up.

Bye bye~

Since I hate QCDN, I'll mentally answer questions here.

"So let me get this straight Falk...You think its ok that this "non-linkshell event" that a fair amount of non-ls members attend gave them the right to dictate who had lotting rights? To even think you have a say who has lotting rights in a activity that you're having no perticipation in is so vain its not right... People before the mob was even claimed had a agreement who was lotting that, it was ninja lotting pure and simple, and you can't make excuses for that."

No, you idiot. I never said that ninja lotting was okay, or that I have a say who got what. Was I there? No. How could I have a say in it? It's not like saying it now is going to do anything.Was I making an excuse? NO. I am simply placing blame. Also, I am speaking in that fact that I didn't know about the agreement, which you seem to miss. Since, even if I was there, I wasn't in Ro'Maeve, I highly doubt Myrrh would go to our LS and say "this is mine". If there was an agreement shame on them, but I never said anything about that. I would have assumed that Myrrh had brought friends to help everyone get drop, not just herself. I think I got that right. X_x

Oh, I even forgot this. Myrrh would have been late late late if it wasn't for Soul, so I don't see why this would be Myrrh onry. If it was, I can see why he can't be trusted.


"Yes, you're right. They aren't alike. In the sense that Charybdis can potentially spawn 3 times a day, and Shikigami Weapon once. As well as their drop rates differing greatly, with Joyeuse being far, far, far more common with that 100% drop rate. Windows do not matter.
Just to expound on it:In the average time it can take to recieve a single Yin Yang Robe a potential 15 Joyeuses can drop. Granted, in reality it's probably closer to 8, but thats still a lot more. As well, a large chunk of Joyeuses enter the game to be used as toys, not actual weapons, where as every YYR is useful around the clock."

I think before I talk, or didn't you get that? You are talking in total time. For example, I could be doing other things in the 23 hours Shiki isn't spawning, where as I just have to sit at Chary. Lets say, the average chary spawn is half of the total, the average, 8 hours. So, you sit at Chary for 8 hours. Or, you go to shiki for an hour, no drop, next 21 hours, sit there for an hour, no drop, next 21 hours, sit there for an hour, be generous and say you don't get claim, next 21 hours and say you get claim and drop (it's around 33% drop).

8 hours at Chary, 4 hours at Shiki. Fail.

This is also assuming that Chary spawns late and Shiki spawns late, but these are averages. Also, considering the fact that you can't always get claim on Chary, it could add another 8 hours.
QFT noob.

Oh wait, I'm not doing the math again, but there is this. Somepage says Shiki is about 50% drop. So, um, yeah. I win x2.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


About 1/30 on Mee and 2/25ish on Quu. Damn. :O

I can't get the "Falk obtains XX" as I was on PS2 when I got drops. =D

Sunday, July 15, 2007


To sum up my last week or two...


To make a long story long but a little shorter, this is my "play by play" of each item.

1) Broken Mithra Fishing Rod~

Oh yeah... -_-; I bought the rod for 7k un-broken, and broke it in about 30 mins in Kazham. Ugh.

2) Workbench~

There were none of these up when I went to Kazham. So, I did the "honorable" thing, and synthed some on my mule. I made two! ;;

3) Ten of Coins (Card)~

I grabbed this a while back, took about 3 hours of kill - go afk - kill - go afk etc.

4) Sands of Silence~

Mother f***ing Sands of Silence. There were none up, so I decided to go and farm one. Keep in mind these are 2k on my server.

Ugh, ugh ugh!

I died three times the same way (Sleepga - AM = death), nearly died (tele'd out) three or four times, and killed stuff for about 7 hours until I got the drop. This warrants a SS!

Ghey. X_x

5) Wandering Bulb~

Someone (Myrhh-myrrh) bought this for me after I died farming it. Yeah, sad, I know.

6) Giant Fish Bones~

Took about 4 hours. I got a Paintbrush while I was there though <3. Same deal as Sands, my bro walked in and I got the drop. Yay? You decide.

7) Blackened Toad~

Lol2k. AHd.

8) Wyvern Skull~

Someone organized a group and I tagged along, went like 2/15. Not too shabby.

9) Ancient Salt~

Went about 1/4 on this while helping break Demon's latent (go go Hexa-Shark Bite). I could solo it though, sadly enough (they are DC to me :P).

10) Lucky Egg~

Lol. I was like 1/200 on this. I had camped it two times before for like 3 hours each, then went like 1/7 on it while helping break said latent. I hate drops sometimes.

So, yeah. I look cool now. Maybe? I have noticed I get like 2x more /c's now.


Oh yeah, I'm going to level NIN soon. After I get O. Kote (0/30+, I suck at life -_-;), Imma get it to 37 and then start a slow static. If anyone in LS that reads this has a 37ish job they want to level on Friday nights, hit me up, un-literally speaking. I should have NIN up there in 2-3 weeks ready to go. Yay dual box farming/PL! (^_^)b I figured I need a static, otherwise I'll never commit to it. =/


Monday, July 2, 2007


That' pretty much sums up 2/3rds of my weekend. First, you may notice one thing, that I am using Hexa Strike. Yay! By brother (Demonwolf, if you didn't know that) helped me skill up to 220. It took like 5-6 hours, but I love it!

Second of all, I killed Bo'Who, and got my shield. Someone in my LS killed him, so I went out 21 hours later and he spawned within 10 or so mins. I HATE this guy, so I'm glad I'm done.

Also, as you can see, My brother got teh paragons of THF excellence. Remember, I helped you, bitch!

The other thing I did was camp Ose for my brothers birthday. After about 4-5 hours (-_-) this happened.

Lol. It popped right on top of me. >_> I would say that we were lucky, but there was no one else camping it.

And, when it was dead (mostly thanks to our NIN - no one else could really hit it), this happened.

So yeah, we got it. While we were doing this, this happened! (Btw, it's the capped club. I also didn't notice the HP until now. >_>).

I also killed the Shaman Cloak NM, no drop, but I did get Stonega II, so I saved myself 80k. All in all, still a succesful (sp, lazy) week. =)