Sunday, July 15, 2007


To sum up my last week or two...


To make a long story long but a little shorter, this is my "play by play" of each item.

1) Broken Mithra Fishing Rod~

Oh yeah... -_-; I bought the rod for 7k un-broken, and broke it in about 30 mins in Kazham. Ugh.

2) Workbench~

There were none of these up when I went to Kazham. So, I did the "honorable" thing, and synthed some on my mule. I made two! ;;

3) Ten of Coins (Card)~

I grabbed this a while back, took about 3 hours of kill - go afk - kill - go afk etc.

4) Sands of Silence~

Mother f***ing Sands of Silence. There were none up, so I decided to go and farm one. Keep in mind these are 2k on my server.

Ugh, ugh ugh!

I died three times the same way (Sleepga - AM = death), nearly died (tele'd out) three or four times, and killed stuff for about 7 hours until I got the drop. This warrants a SS!

Ghey. X_x

5) Wandering Bulb~

Someone (Myrhh-myrrh) bought this for me after I died farming it. Yeah, sad, I know.

6) Giant Fish Bones~

Took about 4 hours. I got a Paintbrush while I was there though <3. Same deal as Sands, my bro walked in and I got the drop. Yay? You decide.

7) Blackened Toad~

Lol2k. AHd.

8) Wyvern Skull~

Someone organized a group and I tagged along, went like 2/15. Not too shabby.

9) Ancient Salt~

Went about 1/4 on this while helping break Demon's latent (go go Hexa-Shark Bite). I could solo it though, sadly enough (they are DC to me :P).

10) Lucky Egg~

Lol. I was like 1/200 on this. I had camped it two times before for like 3 hours each, then went like 1/7 on it while helping break said latent. I hate drops sometimes.

So, yeah. I look cool now. Maybe? I have noticed I get like 2x more /c's now.


Oh yeah, I'm going to level NIN soon. After I get O. Kote (0/30+, I suck at life -_-;), Imma get it to 37 and then start a slow static. If anyone in LS that reads this has a 37ish job they want to level on Friday nights, hit me up, un-literally speaking. I should have NIN up there in 2-3 weeks ready to go. Yay dual box farming/PL! (^_^)b I figured I need a static, otherwise I'll never commit to it. =/


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