Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I've never been one who closely follows expansion storylines when they come out. I kind of just go "oh" and move on. However, I am hooked on WotG!

Also, keep in mind I've been over at Ket's place this week. That's why he has all my pictures. >____>; I swear I forget to take pictures anyway, so it works out fine.

So yeah WotG! The storyline is sooo good, especially the fight in La Vaule. Omg omg omg. If you haven't done it yet, do it! It's interesting and shows how freaking ridiculous Elvaan generals are lol.

Most of this will be pics, so yay pics!

First, we duoed the end of the Sandy Quests.

Then we started on the actual missions. This is WotG7, a relatively easy boss fight. As we you can see, we didn't have too much trouble.

So yeah. Apparently, WotG8 is out, but as of now no one knows what to fo lol. >_>

A few days before all of this, I did some random things. Trioed ZM6 (the antican one) and killed Kamy then duoed the vase to get Ket sky (woo!). Then I killed the Uggy pendant NM with my LS. Go (kind of) low manning things! It was a little sloppy (me and WHM forgot RR and died like 3 seconds between each other -_-) but we killed him both times. Then random Retribution NM.

So yeah. I farmed a little as well so I have like 800k, just dunno what to spend it on. I may level WHM depending on if I can do a few of the new YNMs.

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