Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ninja Gear...

So. Now that my NIN is reaching the upper tier (60+) I decided that I would plan out gear for the job. This may be a long post, but I haven't decided yet. >_> And btw, it's all RA/EX stuff, because everything else is just a matter of farming. You may notice I skipped Body as I do not feel there are any difficult/good body pieces. AF1 and Hauby ftw.


Ah, the Senji. This is actually really easy, I just need to get an ODS together and it's a common drop. I have 2 orbs myself, and I'm sure Kets has some.

Lol yaokay. I don't mind doing assaults, it's just a matter of getting 6 people together each weel to spam missions. Plus, the however many IS it costs would make me level BRD ; ; However, it is the best off-hand weapon in the game, so I should get it eventually.

The only reason I really want this katana is because of the EVA (and kind of the ele damage). It sucks pretty much, but I've always wanted one (it used to be the best NIN katana, after all ^^;). However, it drops off of MG, who is easy but useless. At least with a Genbu pop I could try to get the other set and grab 2-3 people and kill the turtle. Sieryu is another story, though (see further down more on that >_>).


W. Turban obviously. That's easy/common enough I don't need a picture. Same goes with O. Hat. When I get like 65 I'll farm up a cluster and low-man it, he isn't very tough.

Ah, the first abjuration piece. This one is through Seiryu, so see Legs when I get there. However, bar-CNMs (Orc Helm) this is probably the best WS piece for Jin. (Ninja Edit: lol, get it? Voyager's Sallet is better and easy to get, just need more SMNs and a ToD. `_`)

CUUUUUTEEEE!!!!!! After Kets gets done with Nyzul I'll make him/2 box him do floor 100/farm lower floors for tokens and get me this beautiful head piece! ^^ W. Turban is probably better, but OMGCUTE


Best daytime Jin piece. Since it's a +1 AF, I would need Sea. At this point, if I wanted to, I could probably get Sea in a few months. However, I feel that I don't really need it. This (and gorgets) are really the only thing I'd get out of it, except Rajas (which is amazing, but too much work for me >>;). Limbus would be pretty easy since a lot of it can be low manned, but it's just getting enough people. Actually, I just remembered Brutal is from Limbus. .... Maybe I do need Sea. >_>

These may or may not be good. I think they're better than O. Kote and would tie me over until N Tekko +1, but I would have to test. Relatively east to get compared to everything else on the list.

/dream. Honestly, I could farm Xarc NIN NM with like 4 people and a sack, but with a 10% drop rate that's like 5 mil gil. I can probably get Northlands access through Kets (him leeching my char for "raises" >_> <_<).

Legs: AKA The Holy Grail of Haste:

The basic delay down legs. I've been toying the idea around in my head, and SoTW could probably do low tier city runs just without the win. Simply romp around farming AF. We could possibly break even, but it's really just a matter of getting people together. Plus, the people who go to Dyna usually couldn't do it, so that leaves us with even less people lol. It would be something fun to do once, but I can sympathize with people who never want to do Dynamis. >_>

I put these two together because they both drop from Byakko. See Koga legs mainly. The pops are easy enough, and I believe it would be possible to take him down. However, huuuuge timesink, albeit for the best NIN legs in TP/WS (the Haidate, not Shura; Shura suck pretty much after you get Haidate).

The "I don't have Haidate" WS pants. Easy enough to get, and better on low EVA mobs than Shura. Byakko > though obviously.

Lol yaokay again. First off: Need Assault. Second off: Need a lot of luck. Third off: B haidate is probably easier and faster. Usu feet are great too, but same concept except #3.


Best Nighttime Jin piece. Dynamis. =O

Monday, January 12, 2009

Long Overdue...

So! Quite a fun few weeks. First and foremost, Ninjar is awesome! I've managed to get it from I think like 40 since last post to 56! I really want Blade: Jin, but unfortunately I'm already feeling the hurt in my pocket. Luckily, I have someoneKetsthat I can abuse manta farming, it's just a matter of getting skins to drop. >_> Since I haven't gotten one yet, I did the Jaguar Mantle quest. It really made me want to do more quests, I'd forgetten how fun they are! ^^

In regards to quests/missions, I recently helped out with rank missions 5.1 and 5.2. The Archlich fight took about 2 minutes. MNK+MNK+DRK+BRD=Hundred Fistsx2+SV Minuet= horribly broken bones flying everywhere. Mission 5.2, was really funny. For the first form, me and Athoz (MNK) got him to 40%ish until he became melee-immune. This was like a minute into the fight, so we had to wait for ODF to come out of CS to nuke with me. Stupid Carste changed nations and couldn't help, so no real magic damage. Thanks a lot. >_>;
Second form was finished in about 30 seconds. Booooring.

Then, we mosied over to Giddeus for the 2-3 fight. I ran in a little early (oops), but BLU horribly pwns that fight. Yawn. When he reached 20%, he used AoE Curse which brought me to like 60HP/40MP max. Ewwww. Two Bludgeons later, no more dragon.

After that, Carste and Athoz helped me out with The Prince and the Hopper quest. If you haven't done that quest yet, that Taru is creepy! ; ; Anyways, you have to go to Mamook and kill a frog NM. Ath killed it in like a minute and I just tanked the babies. Carste, in his BLM awesomeness, got his AMII resisted. Great job.
So, I got my awesome Chanoix Gorget, which is nice for my DRG when it hits 70. O wait.

Back to NIN! I feel bad because I don't really use ele tools (we have a THF), but other than the occasional canceling of Protect instead of Copy Image and the more than occasional forgetting how many shadows I have, I am decent. My most recent static was on Colibri 54-56, so unfortunatly my accuracy was like 33% lol >_> Hopefully, it will be better soon!

I'm sorry for the lack of photos. I really don't feel like uploading them from PS, so I may add them later. Speaking of which, Congrats Soul and Drim on the marriage! And Zer, I'm sorry I can't walk in a straight line. `_` (pictures stop me apparently).
