Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh 75, how you elude me.

Due to someone Q.Qing over something to do with an update, here I am.

Misc. things first; I sort of decided to level to SCH. I say "sort of" because it is currently stuck at 51 because I simply can't level RDM. T_T It's funny because my "dead zone" of jobs seems to be 50-55 (BRD54, BLU53, SCH51), which are right below colibri range. I just can't stand non LS exp, it's just horrible when you end up having a party where your SAM fights a crab without telling anyone and then dies, HPs, says something angry and then disbands. Trust me, that was the least of my problems on RDM...but enough about that lol.

One of the reasons I chose SCH was for the fact that I could solo/duo up to 75, albeit slightly slower than regular ToAU EXP. The upside of this, however, is that I don't have to deal with people like the SAM above. The other reason I chose SCH is that it will allow me to be a hybrid healer in cases like ZNMs/misc. events I do in SoTW. I'd say that about half our fights end up being manaburns due to low TP gain/mob mechanics, so SCH allows me to act as a DD for part of the fight, and switch to support later if needed. I still love WHM, but nearly killing myself so I can nuke Iriz Ima with Misery isn't nearly as fun as it sounds after the 10th time (whenever I duo with Kets and need to get hit to charge Misery, I call it "charging my lasers"; sadly enough I actually end up nuking a lot on easier mobs).

Speaking of SoTW, I'll move on to the most exciting part of the post! Also, note who kills it: Holy is my friend at 1% >_> <_<

Not pictured: Soul dying to Claw Cyclone, reraising, and then dying again at 5%.
Also not pictured: The 15-20 hours (and 8 merits) to took me to dual box a Diorite, and the 3 hours it took to guide people up Ru'Avitau to kill Ulli after I had made many people confuzzled about the specifics of the night.

Anyway, first SoTW god fight! It went incredibly smooth (the fight at least, not getting there; can you say WHM sac pull?) and even put out a pair of pants! As greedy as I felt, since I farmed the popset...

You do not know how happy I am to have gottten these pants so quickly and easily!
However, you may notice one thing; I'm 74 -_-. Unfortunately my static was plagued with Mamool and a DRG/WHM who never used his MP and meleed 1/2 the time in 3/5 heca gear. I'm currently at 12k to 75...and like half the areas for Campaign are lolfortifications. I may wait until next Sunday to ding, but I really want haidate+turban!

Oh, forgot to mention this as well: Finished 3 paths on Thursday! Next week is airship fight, so wish us luck!

On the list of incredibly minor things I did recently, I finished the "Beast of the East" quest. The final cutscene was incredible (and funny), as most WoTG quests are.

And I think thats about it. @_@ I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but whatever.

1 comment:

Zerayla said...

I didn't cry!


Lol, grats on those haidate. For all the work you put in, glad to see you got the best drop!