Friday, December 24, 2010


So we did La Thiene yesterday. I always told Kets that I (and the rest of our little group) would gladly do an Empyrean for him, and I guess he finally found that to be true. We entered the area at like 1PM and ended around 3AM, because everyone was getting lazy and we wanted to go to sleep (around 2, Dom started hysterically laughing and didn't stop until we left; he hasn't logged on today yet).

Setup this time:

We ended up getting ~12 Carby gems, 2 bullwhips, 2 serpentes, 2 lady panties, a pair of heafoc mitts (got blue, no katana =/ ), and then atma/win from Bria and Carb.

All the NMs were lol except for Carb, mainly because our WHM was afk for 2-3 runs. It SUCKS being the only healer on WHM, Aeroga III does an insane amount of damage, and I don't have high tier curagas.

Housekeeping stuff: my controller is still not here, so I'm stuck being relatively useless (edit: nvm it just came in lol). We also did attohwa a few days ago and completed ~8 sets of +1.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This week, in Abyssea!

So I finally got my laptop up and running, with all expansion packs loaded. Since that was the case, I could actually do Abyssea this weekend (omgyay)! The downside is that I don't have my PC->PS2 controller adapter yet, so I'm stuck using crappy keyboard/mouse which I'm not used to (that's why in all these pictures I have gimp non-ideal gear, because I couldn't swap anything). I did get spellcast though solely for aliases so I could just spam //cure5 ket (which is all I did). Anyway, a quick write up of what we did in Konshscnsaifgaislknfcat this week.

Mish: RDM/BLM (stun)
Sonka: WAR/NIN
Fyre*: BRD/WHM

*Fyre fell asleep before we did any NMs, lol.

Misc. NMs:

Gangly Gean (omgcutetreant): Helm is like a 100% drop, I even got one of them. Even with blue, only got 1 NIN neck though. =( Did get everyone key items though.

Khalamari: Got atma and Vagina Helm, which I got because everyone already had it (procced blue, no neck, see a trend?) Procced blue with hexa like a boss.

Depths Digester: T2 VNM, really only for getting to T3. We got stuff but no one cared. Note how I managed to type a message to Carste in the middle of the fight. Yeah.


What. A. Bitch. He's really not hard, his stupid spikes for some reason just lasted for literally like 5 minutes one time, omgsucksucksuck. Anyway, his agas hurt and thank God I was on WHM and not something like BLU. We procced blue once out of three times, got cape but no body -_-. Also got Atma, nice for people who don't have the windy one, and acts as a seconds atma for my WHM. Tbh this fight would have been easier with NIN RDM WHM and no one else, it's a pain having 2-3 people in range for -gas....

Funny story: Nearly wiped at 1% the time we procced blue, he went into rape mode and did calamitous wind -> -ga4 and killed everyone except me. I kited it and Kets RRd and Jin'd it to death. Go WHM kiter I guess?

Hadal Satiator:

I have to preface this with a funny story. We were looking for Turul and couldn't find it, so we just decided to pop the T3 VNM. Anyway, Turul, being the paragon of party crashing, decided to find us IMMEDIATELY AFTER WE POPPED THE NM and aggro our TANK of all people. At least this NM is stupid easy to kite, so we just kited until Kets became unweakened. Triggered atma but no blue, which is weird since we got (basically) full drops anyway. The atma is now awesome, since RDM and BLU get Bliz 4/5 respectively. That would imply my RDM is 90 though, which it is not >_>;

So overall, awful run but not too bad lol. We did get a KK popset and an EE, so we'll probably get those atmas/wins later. VV would be nice for my BLU lol.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


These are out of order (well, the order I'd like them) but idc really lol.


RDM MND build. Main things I need include Karka/6mnd rings, muse tariqah, promise badge (I have one, but don't have room in macro), augur body (getting it once I get WotG back, since he's on a 15m respawn now), teal chapeau (I really should use this, have it already lol), and a second MND earring. A lot =(

Swap HQ staff and uggy if applicable. Need +2 legs, a better back/waist, eradico mitts, novio (lol), witchstone, artemis medal, +1/2 AF3 hat. Also mangina staves.

Haste. Trying for a RDM body, but I feel bad doing glacier since we don't need anything else there >_> (the 5 man group I'm in is easily capable of doing any zone). Back should be Umbra Cape, macro still had cheviot in it lol. Also nashira legs, and HQ dusk (not going to happen). Perhaps sentinal's shield, but I rather like my earth staff.

Lolmdt. A rather gimp set as I've never really had to use it. I don't know if hexerei is better than lamia +1 back, but I have both. Need merman's earrings x2, resolute belt, coral visor +1, greaves +1, and maybe body and legs +1. Funny note, it took me like 3 months to find a kebbie lol.

Idle, omg a decent set! Body is Pluviale, if that wasn't obvious. All I really need here is serpentes boots (which I'll get soon), an augmented dark ring and some PDT earrings. That and Goliard Trews or Crimson legs, whichever.

Other RDM sets include:
Enhancing (really just duelist hands + warlock legs)
SS, capped at 380.
Full enfeeb set, warlock body/dchap/torque/macc/int gear.
A melee set with lolkogglemander, lol.
PDT set, which is basically just idle with darksteel harness and cap +1. Need a big upgrade.


Crap. Need orc helm or something else, ire torque (+1), triumph/vulcan earrings, +1AF body, heafoc mitts, stirgoi/+6 rings (or another +5 >_>), Mavi +1/2 legs (I will get those soon, didn't bother getting anything else before then). Also better swords, see TP.

Casting, specifically regurgitation. I looooove this set. Anyway, need morry robe, morry hands/AF3 +1/2, novio, +6 int ring, and basmak (feet) +2. Also artemis' medal.

Casting idle, used when I'm only nuking/grellow proccing. Pretty simple, needs more pdt and serpentes feet though.

TP build. Swords are a big problem. I generally use hannibal/koggle in Abby since I have temps/ISL/atmas, outside I use koggle/demon slayer. I'm working on a DEX shamshir, and there are some nice new 85-90 swords out, so I may just get those. I HATE magian trials.... Anyway, also need Mavi head +2, some better neck, brutal/suppa/attk+6 earring, dusk+1/homam hands, toreador/rajas ring, cuch mantle, velo/bullwhip/goading belt, mavi +2 legs. (I actually just got homam feet, so pretend those are there).

Other builds include:
Sanguine Blade, STR/MAB/INT
Idle melee build, just puts on serp hands and nodowa.
Magic fruit build, MND/potency, with and without staff
Macc build for 1k needles, MP drainkiss etc.
Head Butt build (haste/blu skill/macc/acc)

I'm redoing my macroes so that each spell now has a separate casting build, so that way I can stack up modifiers depending on the spell.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Signs of Life


Going to update more, I'll at least make a equipment post for the lols and to show off my leet (read: gimp) new shinies. Also updating goals/layout/some random stuff now.

Hoo hah!