Thursday, August 30, 2007

I hate you Roc.

Yeah, I do. Since classes have started I haven't played much, but I killed Roc four times, not even a D. Ingot. I now love everyone who came out to help though. =3 Few random things, helped Demon with SAM AF2 and the Uglypee coffer, which he got pwnt by, and I almost did (Tele with aquaveil and AF feet ftw!). I already got killed by his damn AF2 bird, he pulled it to zone (air eles ; ;) and it lost aggro and started to kill a passing BST. Me being the nice person I am pulled it off him, and he proceeded to ram my little /NINless Taru to the ground. Luckily a passing BRD (y halo thar R1) raised me and Demon pwnt it while I Cured him after Lullaby.

Yeah, so picture time!

My comp works but Demon has been using it. -__-;

By the way, after a bad Spell-Swap accident, my Hexas do look like that.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Go go PS2!

Well, I've been playing on my PS2 lately, not only because my computer is constantly being used, but because Roc sucks (1/2 on claim (me flash ftw!), 0/1 on drop). So, I had my bro take all these pics. My last few days have been;

1) Do some menial things in the morning, watch Charmed.
2) Go and kill Roc at an incredibly late time EST. Go go lack of sleep, I'm waking up at like 9-10 where as I usually awaken at like 7.

I'm not even going to start about the 16 hours I sat in Sar(tab) spamming wide scan. -_-;

Now, I get back to the original point, why I'm using PS2. I can watch TV while I camp Roc! Yaaaaayyyy. I already have my schedule down;

11; Futerama
11:30; Family Guy
12; Something random
12:30; Blood+
1; FMA
1:30; Inuyasha
2:30; Inuyash
3: Futerama again (I hate this slot, the same episode.)

Also, this happened to my BLU...

Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!


Did PCC though, BLU owns at it. One :Ni is all that dropped out of 6 orbs. I'm starting to think 20s are better. -_-

Toodles~ Not you though Roc, I hate you.

Friday, August 17, 2007


This needs a quick update.

Blu at 40! /cheer /fireworks

Too bad CA sucks as far as I've tried. -_-

Two picks now, one form about 20 mins ago when someone said he was up, the other one from a party invite I got as NIN. Was I rude? ; ;


So, this has been my past few days.

Log on, kill Lumber Jack.

Level BLU or NIN.

I'm giving up on LJ now, drop is too low, I could just farm Angel Skins for how much he drops the sword. I got NIN to 36 with a string of crappy parties (except one, RDM, NIN, NIN, RNG, MNK, WAR = pawn). Luckily, I got BLU from 36-38 is a omgwtfpwn party of:


Let's just say there was one party there that was pissed at us for pulling all of their mobs, and we ended up killing lizards for chains.


If the other party wasn't there, we could have easily gotten chain 6+. Our RDM was sleep pulling so we would have mobs, and when he had to rest (or something, dunno), EVERYONE went looking for a mob. It was soooo much fun.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Lumbah Jackz!

So, long story short.

I wasn't doing much so I went to see if I could get a ToD for Jack today. To my astonishment, Willow was up. Stand offered to help, so he got there first and started killing willow while I moved Demon there. Jack popped, agrroed me (Falk -_-), and then we kicked his ass. "We" as in Demon and Stand. I just hasted/cured/ran into other room to cast Utsu. Even with DRG and THF (Light go go go), it took a good 15-20 mins to kill it. He has HORRIBLE accuracy though.No drop, even with TH3. I got 10k on both chars though! He going to be my bitch soon. <3

w w w w w

Oh yeah, I though this was funny.

FFVII gallery!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Second post! Oh how NIN loves these jobs! (omgflame)

I have a post under this that's new by the way, I just separated this into two.

Okay, I have a few things to say about my parties I've had on NIN.

First one:


Seems simple, right? Well it kind of was. We started off in Sar(tab) with a WAR in the place of the DRK/WAR. Weapons were weak, with meat (<3) I was hitting them for 10-25 damage a hit decently often, and my Retsus were doing 80-120. Love love love love. However, our THF was slow on SATA, so our WAR got pummeled. I died once here due to a 324 Smite of Rage followed by a double attack. Stupid high damage WS. EXP was fine, but once our DRK dinged 33, we had to leave to go to E. Altepa. Here, our WAR and THF left, whom we replaced with a DRK and a THF. So, we got to camp, and things had high(er) evasion, so I popped a Jack-O-Lantern. Yay for evasion. I was hitting fine though (they checked low evasion with food/madrigal), but not hard. I was doing 5-20 damage on these in DD gear, and Retsus did 20-80. Not too shabby. Our THF had the EXACT same problem as our other one, it took like 20 seconds for her to SATA. Gah. Here I died twice due to Stomping (-_-;) for 200+. Tanking Dhalmal at 31-32 = no. Party disbanded, I was 32, about 100/5.8k in. -------------------------------

Next party, next day! Set up is: (At Garlaige, 31-33 at first) NIN/WAR, THF/NIN, DRK/WAR, RDM/WHM, WHM/BLM, BLU/NIN. Oh. My. Gawd. Let me do pros of this set up first. . . . . . THF! I can held hate a little better. WHM and RDM! Healing and dispel/erase. It looks good on paper! Our DRK is in TBH, so he was good. =P Cons! Our THF consistantly hit SA onry, so 50% of the time I didn't have TA. THF was 33, but was using sword main hand. ; ; WHM would *not* use Erase, which caused me to have evasion down ALMOST ALL THE TIME. An easy 95% of the time it hit me because of this, where as the other 5% of the time I didn't have it on, it had like a 66% hit rate. Our RDM had nearly full MP all the time, didn't back up heal, didn't enfeeble or dispel unless asked. So, you may ask, what did he do with his MP? Perform half-assed nukes with a sword on. Gah! Our BLU was /NIN, but didn't use Utsusemi. He also had no food. . . . It wasn't as bad as it sounds, however it could have been much better. After a while, our RDM said " gotta go" and left. Our leader got a RNG apparently, but I didn't know so I asked if an LS mate's BLM could go. Too bad he got the RNG... The RNG has full NQ Noct gear, an Assassin's Bow (. . .), and some Crossbow that he only used Acid Bolts on that did 10-15 damage (I didn't even look). Okay, problem number one. LOLSHORTBOW. Also, he had a bad habit of using Barrage RIGHT when the mob got to camp, messing up SATA. Needless to say, the only way he pulled hate was through that. Also, the funny part about it is he has a 71+ SAM, so he could afford to have good gear. >_>;

Lawdy lawd I have had enough bad people in my party for a while. I had to go, so I said I had 15 mins then left after that. <3>
Oh yeah, here's a few pics of my equip with my macro exec's copy and pasted. Lollazy.

input /equip head "Empress Hairpin";
input /equip neck "Spike Necklace";
input /equip ear1 "Dodge Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Dodge Earring";
input /equip body "Windurstian Gi";
input /equip hands "Windurstian Tekko"; (O. Kote at 34)
input /equip ring1 "Courage Ring"; (Venerer's at 34)
input /equip ring2 "Shikaree Ring";
input /equip back "Nomad's Mantle";
input /equip waist "Red Sash";
input /equip legs "Kingdom Trousers";
input /equip feet "Bounding Boots";

input /equip head "Windurstian Hachimaki";
input /equip neck "Spike Necklace";
input /equip ear1 "Beetle Earring +1";
input /equip ear2 "Beetle Earring +1";
input /equip body "Nanban Kariginu";
input /equip hands "Windurstian Tekko"; (O.Kote)
input /equip ring1 "Courage Ring"; (V. Ring)
input /equip ring2 "Shikaree Ring";
input /equip back "Nomad's Mantle";
input /equip waist "Red Sash";
input /equip legs "Bastokan Subligar";
input /equip feet "Windurstian Kyahan";

input /equip head "Empress Hairpin";
input /equip neck "Spike Necklace";
input /equip ear1 "Beetle Earring +1";
input /equip ear2 "Beetle Earring +1";
input /equip body "Power Gi";
input /equip hands "Windurstian Tekko"; (O.Kote)
input /equip ring1 "Courage Ring";
input /equip ring2 "Shikaree Ring";
input /equip back "Nomad's Mantle";
input /equip waist "Red Sash";
input /equip legs "Bastokan Subligar";
input /equip feet "Bounding Boots";

input /equip head "Windurstian Hachimaki";
input /equip neck "Spike Necklace";
input /equip ear1 "Cunning Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Cunning Earring";
input /equip body "Wonder Kaftan";
input /equip hands "Gigas Bracelets"; (Maybe O.Kote, will test)
input /equip ring1 "Courage Ring";
input /equip ring2 "Eremite's Ring";
input /equip back "Nomad's Mantle";
input /equip waist "Red Sash";
input /equip legs "Wonder Braccae";
input /equip feet "Wonder Clomps";


Meh. I don't really know what to write lol. I'll just show some picks with some explanations.

I was on my way to Yho(tab) to get the NIN fisherman-tunic thing while I was 2-boxing Demon and ran in to this guy. No drop, of course, but it was funny anyway.

Yah, went 1/1 on the Opo-opo, I'm glad too, because this happened 15 mins after I spawned it.

Let's just say I had 3 stacks of Pamamas after the first one, and I only spawned it one. (/w\)
Gawd I fail at fake JP faces. >_>

Then, while I was leveling NIN (@2k to 34 now), I got into a party of 5x taru, 1x elvaan. Lol. Hilarity insued.

And now, to end, my ode to lolShiki drama. No, I haven't gotten over it, it's too sad seeing people huddle like mobs to a taru.

I hope you burn in hell too Jyak. <3

"Ninja" edit!:

Copy and pasted from Zer's blog, exactly how I feel/felt.

"At this point though, i'm done. I've banned Myrrh from my LS forum because he has repeatedly said how he wouldn't come back to our "shitty" ls. Oh yeah, did I mention he's called out everyone in the LS? People who respected him? People who had nothing to do with this incident? Yeah well he just made a fool of himself, so many people were really supportive of him at first and after seeing how backstabbing he can be to good people... well they saw him for what he truly is."

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sick sick sick.

Ugh. I haven't felt well this entire week, so I haven't done anything. Demon got 74 (bless his heart, finally >_>;) so I'm using his char to farm up Angel Skins. I've gotten one skin, but I have to go 50/50 with him. Oh well, it's still 220k. Stupid RMT hax. I swear this one RMT got claim 6 or 7 times in a row.
So, I'll break into a short story here.

RMT have been there, they fish up like 4 pugs about 5 mins into his window. They get destroyed (NIN THF WHM ftw?). About 20 mins later, none of the legit players fish up the mob, and the RMT come back. Yvette, (the RMT THF who always fishes it up) gets there and starts to fish. Puts her rod in, and up comes the manta on her stick. First try.


/offs self.

Oh yeah, dragon pick!