Friday, August 24, 2007

Go go PS2!

Well, I've been playing on my PS2 lately, not only because my computer is constantly being used, but because Roc sucks (1/2 on claim (me flash ftw!), 0/1 on drop). So, I had my bro take all these pics. My last few days have been;

1) Do some menial things in the morning, watch Charmed.
2) Go and kill Roc at an incredibly late time EST. Go go lack of sleep, I'm waking up at like 9-10 where as I usually awaken at like 7.

I'm not even going to start about the 16 hours I sat in Sar(tab) spamming wide scan. -_-;

Now, I get back to the original point, why I'm using PS2. I can watch TV while I camp Roc! Yaaaaayyyy. I already have my schedule down;

11; Futerama
11:30; Family Guy
12; Something random
12:30; Blood+
1; FMA
1:30; Inuyasha
2:30; Inuyash
3: Futerama again (I hate this slot, the same episode.)

Also, this happened to my BLU...

Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!
Deding 39!
Ding 40!


Did PCC though, BLU owns at it. One :Ni is all that dropped out of 6 orbs. I'm starting to think 20s are better. -_-

Toodles~ Not you though Roc, I hate you.

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