Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Nothing much up for me this last month. Just a quick update; I'll make a longer one after March 28th, T-Day. T as in Tinnin. It should be fun, SoTW has managed to take out a lot of T3s (Nuhn, the 3 Hydra path ones) so I'm excited to see how we do. Anyways, the update and stuff...
  • WHM 75! Funny story, it actually dinged while Kets was using my character in Sky, so anticlimactic much.
  • NIN 63! Needs to farm @_@
  • RDM 52! Finished G1/2 on Amer and got meh AF booties.
  • I GOTS MEH ORACLE'S GLOVES! O= They're a nice enfeeb/hMP piece, but first ZNM item yay.

That's it I think lol. =/

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