Friday, April 24, 2009

Color me BLU

Well, as of a couple of weeks ago, I have decided to level my BLU to 60. I've managed to get it from 47-51 off pets (I'm stuck at 51 now since I can't seem to log on early enough to get Kets to PL me; I suck at pulling so I usually link the master >_>;;;;;), and hopefully I can continue to solo up to 60.

The main reason that I wanted to level this job is twofold...first off, Kets and a couple of LS members recently got Sea. I've always been a slow mission person (except RotZ, LS static burned it in 2 days ^^) , so I'm in no rush, but I've always wanted to finish CoP. I hate when people ask for help with things that I can't do (i.e. shark organs, later missions, jailers/Ix's etc.) because I don't have that area unlocked. I know that it's a very small window of events, but I still would like to be able to do as much as possible to benefit the LS. Plus, I've always wanted every area, and since I already have Sky, guess what I'm missing? (I'll give you a hint, it's Sea) BLU brings to the table a powerful DD, a stunner, a backup healer, and more importantly, not NIN or WHM <_<;.

So why does that matter? Well, the ACP body isn't really that good for WHM (Fast Cast+5 and some random crappy augment like enmity-5 since I don't care about that stat), but it's relatively nice for NIN (acc and DW). I'm pretty sure I'll get the Redingote when I finish it this weekend (hopefully), but I may drop it when NIN gets 75 for the Waldercors. Anyway, the point is that it's also good for NIN. But, the main main point is that I got this earring from the Fei'Yin BCNM (there's something that I accidentaly took a picture of in this; kudos to you if you can see it):

As far as I know, the only earrings you'd use for spells are Triumph/other stat enhancing piece. If I can manage to get one Triumph, I could probaby let this slide in the other slot for added effect proc rate.

But anyway, while I'm talking about ACP...last weekend Kets set up a static for the mission. It contained:
  • Me: Guess what?
  • Kets: SAM
  • Bromeo: SAM
  • Codewa: SAM (see a trend?)
  • Mindswepr: PLD
  • Mish: RDM
We started off with the goblins. It probably took us ~1 hour to get the item for everyone, and then ~1 hour to kill the NM. The mandragoras were a blizzaga 1 did 580+ damage to all of them and basically pwnt them. They seemed to take like 2.5x damage from elemental nukes, but I think my Banishga II did about the usual damage =(. I feel bad for the melees though; they would target a mob and then it would die from an -aga lol.

The Fei'yin fight was...interesting lol. About 30 seconds into the battle while me and Mish were buffing people/enfeebling, Kets got hit with a 950+ damage SA Goblin Rush and died. We ended up easily winning, but it was kind of funny. D=

And then there was the tower...I went up first before our escort got there, and I guess this is what I get lol.

(If you don't see it, it's that when I canceled invis, I accidentaly canceled RR ; ; But I got the stone!) Anyways, eventually the rest of the group gets up to the top, and we enter. Only Kets has /RNG, so we had 2 SAM/NINs that would TP off the thralls and then WS the stone. The stone used SoNihility of us very early in the fight, while we were trying to figure out where to stand. Unfortunatley, it reset EVRYONE'S job abilities, so I couldn't bene and Mish couldn't Convert. So, we eventually got it to 45% and wiped. Since that weekend, Codewa has gotten RNG to at least 30ish and Mish has gotten 73BLM. When everyone is ready again, our plan will be (did I mention Bro has RDM at 75? I don't think I did):

  • WHM
That will hopefully work a little better.

On my way up, I also got this:

Random fail ftw lol.

While I have this picture here, I may as well mention that my BLU has incredible luck. I think I'm 1/1-5 on most spells now-a-days.

Speaking of incredible luck, Kets, Mish, and I have been trioing Sheep in Antlion's Clothing for the past ~2 months. We've gotten the regular ENM stuff, satin, an evoker (! that someone whose name starts with "K" dropped ._.), 2.5k exp etc. I've actually managed to get 4 merits between this and random mobs at ZNMs lol. The past 2 weeks, we've done it earlier while Mish was cat-napping and got these:

(The Hagun has a funny story behind it; when I lotted a 25 and opened the chest I yelled out "Hagun!" (jokingly) and walked over to Kets' comp (I was on his PS2 at the time) and he went "Omg Hagun!" and I was all like "Srsly??" and then I saw it. It was a 1.3million gil angel falling into my lap!)

Kets outlotted me on the Hagun (we split everything, but we always joke around to see who wins the lot -- see the mantle), but I won the true prize, then wand! lol

But pretty much, our new formula is:
  • Enter BCNM with 2 people
  • 2 hour Tuch before his last Sandpit
  • Kill Tuch
  • Lot less that 50
  • Take off pants
  • ???
  • Profit

I mentioned ZNMs a little bit earlier, so I'll make a little comment about it here. Our little LS has managed to romp and stomp every ZNM we face. T1s are a joke...Vulpagne dies in like 30 seconds (although everyone is usually dead when it dies xD), and Chigre dies in like a minute. Cheese Hoarder usually takes about 2-4 "waves" depending on how many BLMs we have. T2s are a little more difficult, but Iriz Ima (as always) is just sad. I've actually started investing in a nuking set so that I don't feel entirely useless. >_>; We've also done Verd many times (did you know that you can melee him?). I don't think we've actually done any troll path T2s yet (although I know we've killed Ob a few times, so someone is holding out on their seals `_`). We've done a few T3s as well, although we may have to stop due to some people not being available (a.k.a. we don't have enough ranged DDs on a usual Saturday). We have done many Armed Gears though, and we've managed to defeat Dea, Nuhn, the Mamool, and the Lamia.

I only have one complaint, and it's a pretty bad one. I shoudn't complain since I usually can't farm up Zeni (or I guess I do other stuff would be the way to put it ._.), but I swear we've done 1235342421 Cheese Hoarders, 875964 Chigres, 658653 Iriz Imas, and 76453 Verdelets. I actually have a Beast Slayer because no one else wanted one. It's fun doing these easy mobs, but some variety is always nice lul. ^^;

I'm very proud of the way our LS has banded together to get some ZNM gear for all of our members. However, the most important part of this event is that it gives us time to just relax...away from heavy endgame, RL events, etc....and just beat some tiny bugs into the ground!

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