Monday, January 10, 2011

So anyway, I did all day Misereux on Saturday. We did mainly boss farming, it was sort of fun. Some highlights:


Seedspray proccing grellow. Not that exciting.


Ahmuluk is not a very fun fight. He's easy but he resists magic so it takes a while to kill it >_>.

~80% of their health.

In the end, I ended up getting a +2 set for my BLU...except I don't have the +1 legs yet >_> nothing was dropping them. Oh well.

Finished up my MDT set, sort of. I think Lamia mantle +1 is better on back, and I need to get +1 coral/ coral visor. That, and then twilight torque.

Got MM. It was a very easy fight. People forgot pop items so it ended up taking a little longer than we thought though.

Got RR as well. Kited the first one for like 10 mins, then decided to stop and just straight tank and proc red. Second one we just straight tanked and killed it in like 5 mins. Got RR as well.

To finish off this lightly worded post, got a pickup party on NIN, VV/RR/DarkDepths (+30% crit rate). I DC'd two hours in after I got one level, since no one was opening ruby chests and we were in tahrongi. That, and I was tanking at level 75/6, and everyone in the party failed at knowing anything about gearing their jobs. Sigh.

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